Monday, October 20, 2014

Student Blog Post Assignment #5: Living or Not

            In the past few weeks, It looks like our broccoli romanesco plants have been staying somewhat healthy. Our plants have been growing significantly. From what started out as a few inches,  is now between 22 to 28 inches. Our broccoli romanesco's leaves have grown in size and color as well. This is somewhat beneficial because it can undergo photosynthesis at a greater rate and obtain more sugars. The stems have grown in length, thickness and strength. This allows our plant to stand up straighter. On the down side, Plant B's leaves are getting holes, which shows some amount of competition between organisms and the plant. Overall, our broccoli romanesco plants show a pretty consistent amount of growth and health.
           Every plant on earth is a living thing, including our broccoli romanesco plants. Our plants are living because they are able to grow, obtain food, respirate, and contribute something to its environment. Our broccoli romanesco plants grow from nutrients, sunlight and water. It absorbs its food (nutrients) mainly from the soil. Plants also undergo the process of photosynthesis to produce sugars. They contribute oxygen and food to the environment. Plants respire by using oxygen to break down sugars. Because plants are able to survive similarly like other living creature, they are alive. Plants also interact, but not the way we imagine it. When plants are next to other plants with the same needs, competition will occur. Each plant will compete for the resources. Those who don't obtain the resources will die off. 

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